Hormone Replacement Therapy in Maryland
Balancing hormones to optimize your health.
Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) is simply the balancing of your hormones in your body to optimize your health. This applies to both Men and Women. HRT has had a rocky road of mixed signals from the medical community over the last few decades. Simply put, when done properly HRT is safe, effective, and allows for the prevention of multiple disease processes in both men and women. There is good medical literature supporting the use of proper HRT. Formal evaluation and treatment to optimize results is key. (See the link on “Everything is Normal”). Understanding the difference between synthetic hormones and bioidentical hormones is important in proper HRT. This is where Atlantis stands out in your care.

Decline in hormone production is one of the major reasons for our deterioration as we get older, both physically and mentally.
About Hormones
Hormones are messengers that communicate with the cells in our body. They are an essential part of the functional metabolic process of living. Estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, thyroid, dehydroepiandosterone (DHEA), insulin, melatonin, growth hormone, and Vitamin D are some of the major hormones in our bodies. Hormone production declines as we age, suffer disease, and expose ourselves to toxins or trauma. Some people have a rapid decline in certain hormones at a younger age but are unaware and under-diagnosed. When this happens the aging process accelerates.
Relatively healthy individuals who follow an optimal diet and supplementation plan may still suffer from undiagnosed hormonal imbalance symptoms.

Benefits of Hormone Replacement Therapy
We recognize it is important to evaluate each individual from a holistic and functional perspective. Hormone replacement therapy (HRT), like many other medications, must be prescribed with experience and care. A complete and proper evaluation may find a simple underlying hormone issue. Treatment may help decrease cholesterol levels, decrease the need for diabetes medications and prevent diabetes altogether, help with weight loss, increase bone strength, and decrease risk of Alzheimer Disease. HRT will also improve Anemia, Sleep, Mood/Depression, PMS & Menopause symptoms, Energy & Sex drive, and Overall health
Hormone Replacement Therapy Myths
There are many myths associated with HRT. Here are four common myths about hormone replacement therapy:
- It’s the answer to old age: This is simply not true. There is NO SUCH THING as “Anti-Aging.” A balance of good nutrition, stress management and a complete full physical evaluation to look for underlying medical issues and managing those issues can correct many hormone imbalances. But this must be physician directed to allow for OPTIMAL AGING.
- Blood levels aren’t important: Hair and saliva samples do not always correlate with how the body reacts to the hormones in the blood. Even blood levels must be correlated with the symptoms and issues each individual has.
- HRT causes cancer: Broad generalizations put out in the media such as “all estrogen and progesterone replacement causes or increases the risk of cancer” do not apply to bio-identical estrogens, progesterone or other bio-identical hormones. HRT can actually prevent certain types of cancers.
- “Normal” blood levels mean you have no other problems: If you were told by your doctor your blood levels came back “normal,” that may not correlate with your symptoms and may not be “optimal” for you. There are many undiagnosed hypothyroid, estrogen toxic, vitamin D deficient, pre-diabetes and adrenal-exhausted individuals who are being told by their physicians that they are “normal.” At Atlantis Medical Wellness Center, we know prevention and treating a condition BEFORE it becomes a true medical issue or emergency is the key to improved overall health.
READ THIS: Everything is Normal