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A Note from Dr. G

A Note from Dr. G

As many of my patients know, I offer the hCG Protocol for weight loss at the clinic. In February, hCG was the topic of a Dr. Oz show. For the first time, Dr. Oz said that he believes that the Protocol works and that it is another option for people who otherwise cannot lose weight. His caveat was that the hCG Protocol must be administered under a reputable physician’s care that follows a protocol with more protein, higher dosage of hCG, and one that encourages regular exercise during treatment  encourages exercise throughout the program all of which I firmly believe and agree with. I can’t tell you how wonderful it was to hear Dr.Oz say this. It gave the hCG Protocol the credibility it deserves, and affirmed everything I have been saying and doing during the last six years since I have been offering the hCG Protocol to my patients. To see excerpts from the Dr. Oz show, click HERE.

If you are struggling with losing weight, and are curious if the hCG Protocol could work for you, please call our office and make an appointment for a free consultation. We have many success stories from patients who have used the hCG Protocol. Perhaps yours could be the next one?

Spring will arrive in the next few weeks and with it the warmer weather. If you were more sedentary than you planned this winter, now is the perfect time to have a health check-up and to start an exercise program. Your vitals, such as blood pressure and weight, will be checked, as well as labs taken to measure cholesterol levels, hormone levels and others. We also check your antioxidant levels to see if your supplements are working for you. It takes less than five minutes, is completely painless and gives us a quick and accurate reading of your overall health. Think of it as a wellness report card.

Walking daily for at least 30 minutes will give you a light cardio workout and help you shed some winter weight. An added benefit from being outside is that you’ll soak up some Vitamin D from the sun. Whichever exercise program you choose it’s important to make it a regular part of your routine and stick to it! You’ll start seeing results and feel the benefits in as little as three weeks.

Your Partner in Health,

Dr. G

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(301) 658-7686
